Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Kids

BJJ for kids at Renzo Gracie Holland

Classes for children aged 6-15 years. The added value of BJJ for children is that their intellectual capacity, social capacity as well as their motor skills are stimulated. This happens in a relaxed and playful way. Children also learn how to protect themselves because ultimately BJJ is a self-defense sport.

Children become more composed, can perform better and will easily cope with resistance. Resilience is in our view an important factor in the development of children. When resilience increases, there will be fewer incidents of physical and mental nature.

Renzo Gracie Holland Kinderen Trainen Met De Volwassenen

To train you need the following items (for your first class (es) the possibility exists to borrow from us):

- A gi
- Clean underwear to use under the gi (top and bottom)


Kies een les/Choose a program
Als het mogelijk is, laat ons dan aub weten op welke dag en tijd je een proefles wilt volgen/ If possible, tell us which day/time you would like to try a class. Zie ook lesrooster/ See schedule